Monday, January 23, 2012

Picnic at Carter Bend

     Friday was another beautiful day, so Cooper and I hitched a ride with Dalton to Carter Bend for a picnic after feeding the cows. Carter Bend is a place that Dalton goes to feed that's about 45 min away from the house (20 min on a dirt road).

     While Dalton was feeding that morning, Cooper and I made sandwiches and cookies, and packed up the treats. We were even waiting on the porch when he pulled up. Then we helped move a couple of horses from one pasture to another. I got to ride on the back of the Kubota leading the horses while Dalton and Cooper drove. It was simple fun. Then we hopped in the truck and took off. Cooper fell asleep on the way so he woke up refreshed once we got to Carter Bend.

I promise we tried to prop his head up but it kept falling!

     Halfway there I realized that I forgot my picnic blanket, so it wasn't the movie-like setting I hoped for, but none the less it was nice. We fed all the cows and then headed down to a shady area by the oat field. Cooper was ready to stretch his legs and so he ran around a bit and then we all sat down under a tree in the cool green grass and ate our lunch.

     After lunch we set the pig trap and headed home, just in time for Cooper's afternoon nap. What a nice way to spend the day! Especially since it was in the 70s outside.

     In other news, the varmint hunt that Dalton participated in was this weekend. He and his 2 teammates killed 3 foxes, 1 coyote and a racoon. They won the big coon contest, but most of all had a great time. It was fun for me too because they hunted around here a lot so I got to feed them lunch and see them again that evening. Cooper really wished he could have gone.

      In Cooper developments, he's discovered pockets on his pants and how to put his hands in them and walk around. So cute!! I snapped a picture of him after seeing him looking out the door longingly at the guys. That may explain the sad face.

I want to go hunting too!!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1

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