Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fort Worth Stock Show

  Early Saturday morning we loaded up and headed to Ft Worth to go the the Rodeo. This has become a yearly tradition...carried over from Dalton, who's done this since he was little. This year we planned to attend the 10am rodeo performance, so we had to hit the road by 7:30 to get there early.

     On the way we stopped at McDonald's for a little breakfast. It's always a special treat we have when we head out of town early. We met Merann when we got into Ft Worth and then headed to the show grounds.

     Because we got there early enough we decided to take a cruise through some of the show barns and let Cooper see the animals before the rodeo. We made it through the lamb and cattle barns; Cooper really checked out all the animals with their funny looking blankets and contraptions.

     Then we headed to the kids' baby animal barn. They have various animals with their babies for kiddos to look at. Usually when we get to this section there are so many people we have to peek around and get a quick look at the animals. Being the early worm paid off though and we were able to let Cooper walk around and look at all the animals. He really liked it..especially the chicks and baby pigs. He even stuck his hand through the wire to let the baby goat nibble on his finger. It's amazing the difference between his interest last year (8 mo) and this year (20 mo)..they learn so much so fast.

 "Here chicky chicky chicky"

"Dad, can I take one home please!!"

     After seeing the baby animals we went to the arena and found our seats for the rodeo. Mere Mere and Popsey soon joined us and, lucky for us, no one else joined our row. So we had lots of room for Cooper to walk around when he got antsy...which he did after a couple of events. He liked the bareback riding the best (maybe because it was first), and he was pretty interested in the covered wagon races too. We always choose who we think will win each heat..I was 2 for 3. The one act Cooper didn't like was some entertainment involving a motorcycle. The stunt man was riding around pretending like he was falling off and Cooper did not like that. He probably would have said uh oh multiple times, but he was too upset to verbalize it.

     When he got bored he would toodle on down the row and find people to visit with above and below us. He'd start 'talking' to them and then point to us and say Mama and Dada. I finally had to go get him so the nice people could enjoy the rodeo.

Doesn't he look handsome

     When the rodeo was finished we took Cooper to the petting zoo...ok, I'll admit I was probably just as excited as he was. We bought feed and walked around petting and feeding rabbits, goats, ponies, calves and llamas. Actually only I fed the llamas. We lifted Cooper up to feed them and he flat out refused to give them any food. It was pretty funny. Almost as funny as the comotose looking goats who were laying down, bloated, and refusing food. They looked like I feel after a big holiday meal. We laughed so hard when we tried to feed one goat and he sniffed the food and seemed to moan. Then we started thinking how full they must get doing that all day with nonstop kiddos feeding them. Hopefully they have fresh animals in the back to trade out!

The goats really liked chomping the cone

     Finally it was time for a much needed corny dog -- I have to have one every year -- and lemonade. Then we strolled through the exhibit hall where all the vendors were. By this time it was pretty crowded. Cooper fell asleep, so he was able to get a nap in while we "shopped".  I put that in quotations because we didn't buy anything. Then we headed out, ran errands, and met back up with the other Pitcocks for some delicious mexican food.

     To top it off we stopped for ice cream on the way home. Yum. What a great time!

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