Monday, January 9, 2012

Suey!! It's pig time.

  Yep that's right, this entry is about pigs. I must not be making it to civilization enough these days because I've found myself getting sucked into the pig trapping movement out here. There is an abundance of wild hogs out here, hanging out in the fields and the woods, stopping traffic as they cross the road in herds, and just being a menace. Dalton's tried shooting some of them but they multiply so fast that it doesn't seem to be helping much.
     Because of all the pigs, the week before Christmas (note the timing) Dalton decided to start trapping and selling the hogs for some extra dough. I was not so thrilled about the idea. It takes extra time out of the day for him to bait and check traps, and getting them all set up would take even more time. I kinda rolled my eyes and went along with it, but found myself very frustrated that whole first week. He would get off work and then head out to the traps, which put him home later than normal. This wouldn't have been such a big deal except that the week before Christmas there is a lot of wrapping, baking, preparing, etc. to get done, and with a 1 1/2 y/o extra help is appreciated. So I whined and puffed but we made it through.
     Wednesday night we were going to deliver gifts to Graham before we left town for my parents the next day. Much to my dissatisfaction, it also wound up being the 'take the pigs to town' trip as well. In case you didn't know, pigs stink...I mean bad! So spreading Christmas cheer around the town with a trailer full of pig stink behind us wasn't putting me in the best of moods. But we had no choice. We loaded up the 9 pigs and took the big rig that screams 'we're the country relatives' into town. We took the pigs to sell first and while Dalton unloaded them at the right spot, Cooper and I waited in the car with the windows up (did I mention they stink). Dalton came back to the truck with a smirk on his face and a check in his hand. I waited until he got in and then took a gander at the amount. I was expecting something around $100, hardly worth all of this headache, but imagine my surprise when I saw that we'd made (yes it's we now and not he ; ) $380 for 9 pigs!
     I tried to contain my excitement as we headed back in and delivered the gifts. That was pretty good for a week's worth of work. The next day we began our Christmas celebrations, but when we got back from all of that I nonchalantly asked if he was pig trapping some more. He said of course and then the pig palooza began.
     For some reason the extra time it took for him to trap didn't seem so bad anymore, and Cooper and I started going out with Dalton to set the traps and check them sometimes. I have to admit that it's pretty fun when you pull up to a trap and find a pig or two waiting on you. As the interest has grown I've started to ask Dalton daily about how many pigs he's caught and how big they are. This is our dinner table conversation for now. Did I mention I haven't been going to town as much lately?

  A few from Carter Bend

 Cooper watching Daddy load the pigs

     I knew I was hooked when we were checking traps and Cooper started grabbing things in the truck, including the card with the number to the 'pig guy' that we sell the pigs to. I moved Cooper's hand away and said "No, no Cooper, that's Very Important." I didn't even catch my emphasis on Very Important but Dalton did and promptly pointed out my reaction with a chuckle. I laughed too, trying to play it off, but then moments later we pulled up to a trap with 3 pigs in it. I think I squealed in delight, maybe even let out a "Woo doggie!" Then I really laughed at myself and just shook my head...I am enjoying this too much. Ahh the joys of being a stay at home mom and the things that become the highlights of my days.
 He uses the trailer as a trap at Cater talented

"Watch that pig!"

     The second week we took 14 pigs in, but they were smaller so we got about the same amount of money. Then last week we too in 7 more. Overall Dalton has caught 85 pigs! We sell the eligible ones (over 80 lbs) and Dalton disposes of the little ones.
     It's really quite a fun family activity. Cooper now makes the pig sound and enjoys watching his Daddy load the pigs from the trap to the trailer. They can be pretty aggressive so we stay well out of the way, in case of an escape.
 They jump and attack the cage trying to get out

Dalt shows no fear

     Funny thing Cooper has picked up on...Dalton usually uses a stick or hot shot to poke and prod and load the pigs into the trailer. I didn't realize Cooper had been paying attention to this, but then one day at home he picked up on of his plastic golf clubs and started thrusting it in front of him and saying "Ugh Ugh" It's so cute and right on the money!! We didn't realize pig trapping could teach him so much.
     We are beginning week 4 with 3 pigs caught this is a big one, so this may be a good week for us. [ This is where I give a big spit, wearing my camo sweater and matching pants, standing by the pig trailer.   Just spitting or camo wear for me...I have to keep some semblance of femininity during these endeavors.]
     Seriously though it is so nice to be able to do stuff as a family together, even if it is pig trapping. We are so blessed that Dalton works right here beside where we live. It enables us to hang out so much more and be involved in each other's lives. I know it's weird compared to what most families do; say goodbye to daddy in the morning and see him in the evening with limited contact while he works. But then I think this is probably more what it was like in the 'olden days' (Garrett and I used to always refer to the past as the olden days) when families ran the farm or ranch or whatever together. Cooper and I are really enjoying it and we hope that Daddy is too!

    I'll keep you updated on the pig totals for the season. I'm told it only lasts through the winter; too much trouble to keep them when it's hot out.

"The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud." Deut 14:8

(Sorry I couldn't resist a pig verse for the pig post)

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