Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is it Winter or Spring?

     As 2011 came to a close, it felt much more like the start of spring than the beginning of the coldest part of the year. The weather has been so beautiful this fall and winter (so far) and we've been taking full advantage of the beautiful days. It just seems wrong to stay inside on pretty days...maybe it's a 'country' thing, I don't know.. but it resulted in no TV and lots of Vitamin D.
    Friday evening (Dec. 30) Dalton saddled up Dandy and took Cooper for a ride. They were gone for a long time and Dalton said that Cooper really enjoyed the ride. This gave me time to cook dinner in peace. I left the screen door open to enjoy the cool evening air....ah it reminded me of summer. : )

The boys are off for their ride

     Saturday, New Year's Eve, was so nice! We started off the day checking pig traps (more on that in a later post), a fun family activity. Then we hung out outside and piddled. Dalton worked on the tiller and Cooper played with the tools. Again the screen door and windows were opened in order to enjoy the warm air. I came in mid morning and cooked us some brunch...cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, yummm. The Echols  guys came over and while Monte helped Dalton with the tiller, Jett and Cooper chased the cat around the yard. It's so fun to see Cooper interact with other kids, especially older ones. He just ran around laughing and tripping and getting up and laughing.

Cooper the tool man Pitcock

"This will be perfect for the job I have in mind." 

"Where do these go again Dad?"

       After brunch we piddled some more and then it was Cooper's nap time. Just as he was waking up Dalton got the tiller working and tilled the garden spot. Nothing says spring like a freshly tilled garden spot... I think we were actually starting to believe that spring was coming at this point. In reality we're just keeping the ground ready and hopefully will plant some potatoes in a couple of months to get the garden started.
 Had to include this pic because of the fingers tucked into pockets

"Working the land"

 Love the cute little wrangler bottom

"Dad! Don't hug me in public!" ; )

     That night we celebrated New Year's Eve by going to a dinner and a movie, while Mere Mere and Popsey graciously watched Cooper for us. We saw Sherlock Holmes 2...very entertaining and still managed to be in bed by 10:45. I know I know...pathetic for New Year's Eve, but staying up late has never been my strong suit. Dalton, on the other hand, said this was the first time he hadn't stayed up until midnight. In any case, the three of us really enjoyed the last weekend of 2011, and were so blessed to be able to spend it together as a family!

"I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High!" Psalm 9:2

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