Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Whole New World

     The boys are doing so much these days that I want to share and record, but it seems that the more they do the less time I have to write. Quite the dilemma for me. I'm going to try to do a blog blitz over the next few days to try and catch up. My goal is to hit high points without being too detailed (a challenge for me).

 My sweet funny man

My intense sweetie pie

     First up: Cooper's new imagination is gearing up and taking off. It started when I encouraged him to pretend he was throwing balls in the air and catching them in his mouth. He loved that and I was surprised that he was already ready to imagine. Since then he's really started to imagine a lot more. I'll just highlight a few examples that are really cute to watch...which is what I've been doing instead of writing.

 Notice the stacking and his passenger, the chicken

Ready for checkout..looks like he's thinking through his list

Grocery store: He loves to play grocery store, which is something that I remember doing a lot when I was little. He'll get any boxes, fruit, anything that I leave on the counter and go 'beep' it across something. Then he puts it in his little metal shopping cart (thanks Amanda!) and drives it around the kitchen. One day he was really into it, taking items out of the bag and cruising with them. So I decided to do help him out. I sat several grocery items around the kitchen area and told him to go shopping with his cart. He drove around picking up the items and putting them in his cart. Then he drove it to the table where I sat up a makeshift 'beeper' register. He beeped the items and put them in a grocery bag and took them away. Now when we are in the store he'll get any items that are within reach and beep them across the handle. Love to see that imagination coming alive!

Checking out. Beep...beep

Checking Cows: As I've mentioned before we often sit on the front porch in the evenings waiting for Daddy to get home. Lately Cooper's truck has been sitting there and he gets in it and backs up around the porch. I'll ask him what he's doing and he says he's checking cows. He drives a little, gets out, looks around, swings his arm in a circle to rope them if needed and gets back in the truck. Before he drives away he always puts his seatbelt on. Safety first.

What a cool cat. I have to admit this was staged 
so I could have a picture for this paragraph

Food delivery: Now he'll randomly bring us 'food' to eat. He really likes to bring milk, eggs and juice. He hasn't learned to bring much variety, but at least those are healthy. He's also started to pretend eat things like his hamburger from his grill and little blocks as various foods.

I know what you are thinking. "Does he ever wear pants?" 
Yes...when we leave the house.

Money exchange: He likes to give money to me for things. We were playing outside one day and he was giving me money for something. When I asked him what he was paying me for he said it was for pigs. Not sure where that came from, but oh well.

Olympics: He watched a lot of olympics with me and started to do gymnastics moves around the house.  I'm not going to lie...I think he's pretty good! Now we also get into start position to race to the bathroom or bed. Maybe I have a future athlete on my hands. Speaking of I watched the Olympics I suddenly believed that I was in shape, athletic, and could do any of the events that I watched (with the exception of water polo). Now I see where Cooper gets his big imagination!

I know these aren't very funny or exciting things to read about but they are so neat to watch in my son as he grows.

"Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23

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