Thursday, August 23, 2012

Lake Weekend with Friends


     A couple of weekends ago we had some friends come join us for a fun time at the lake. I was a little nervous because the previous couple of weeks had been scorchers, but God was looking out for us and the weekend that we were at the lake was so nice. I could actually take Ace to the dock without worrying about heat stroke for either of us.

 Meredith, Wyatt, Me and Cooper

    The Hyde's stayed with us at the lake and the rest of our friends visited Saturday night. We all stayed in the upstairs part of the house (which Rob referred to as the sleep cave), where the roar of the window unit can put anyone in a deep sleep. Well, almost anyone...Ace didn't cooperate that great the first night...but maybe that had something to do with the fact that I forgot his PJs and he was cold. We ended up all snuggling together (Dalt, Coop, Ace and I, not us and the Hydes).

 Ready for the boat ride

 Dalton snuck Ace in the water while I was swimming to the sand bar 
because he knew I'm a chicken about putting my babies in the lake. 
But...Ace loved it so I'm glad he did it. 

I think they have the same expression on their face

     The guys took a long boat ride on Saturday morning while we went to a baby shower. Then it was back to the lake. We hung out at the dock while the bigger kids swam and the little ones played in the pack n play. Then we retreated to the cabin for naptime and cooling off.

Ace is happy to finally be in the water where the action is

Staying cool while we swam

    That evening several families came and swam with us. Cooper decided to show off and learn a new trick. He let Dalton drop him off of the top of the dock. He really wanted to jump off himself but we wouldn't let him. We're in for a wild ride I'm afraid because he's only 2 and ready to do things that kids older than him don't even want to do. Lord, we pray for his safety!

 "Look me, Mommy!"


     After swimming we hung out at the cabin and some guys played horseshoes. It was a close match. The kiddos played well together. That morning Cooper and Wyatt had taken turns riding in the truck down the hill. One would ride in the cab and the other in the back. It was pretty cute. They repeated the truck rides with the other kids that evening.

 Cooper and Ella...he saw this picture and said "my Ella"

 Jen hanging out with Ace

The after swimming Evil Kenieval hairdo

     We all had dinner and visited some more until all the kids were worn out and cranky. Slowly each family left. We were exhausted by the end of the weekend but it was so fun hanging out with all of our friends. We're so blessed that our best friends are our church friends.

 Meredith, Kelli and a load of kids

 Krew, Cooper and Ella pretending to drive away

Horseshoe competitors 

John 1:7 “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.”

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