Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Picture of Confidence

     We all want to be confident in ourselves in any situation, knowing that whatever the case we can still feel good about ourselves. Yesterday I got to see this in action. My 2 y/o does not lack self-confidence, that's for sure, and yesterday he demonstrated this.
     One of my friends has taken a job a couple of days a week and needed a babysitter for her two boys. She asked me to help out and I gladly accepted. Yesterday was the second day that we watched her two boys, who are 4 and 2. They are pretty fun and Cooper fits in really well with the rambunctious playing. He was excited to go to their house and we set off right on schedule to get to their house at 8:45.

    About 10 min into the trip, as Cooper was sipping on some milk, he started coughing, then gagged a little and threw up. After a quick eye roll I assessed the situation. If we turned back now we'd be late. Not stopping was not an option. So I quickly pulled off the road and got to work. I got Cooper out, undressed him down to his underwear and poured bottled water on his arms and legs to clean off the mess. Thankfully most of the 'stuff' was on his clothes and not the seat or car, so I wiped what I needed to and loaded him back up. I had brought extra clothes for him anyway, so I figured we could change him at their house.

    As I continued driving I felt a little embarrassed that I was about to unload my Cooper with nothing on but his sandals and underwear. Oh well! I think I've already earned a reputation of being unpredictable and able to roll with the awkward flow of things...or maybe everyone knows that you never know what circus I'm going to bring to town with my family. (Between my quirks, the crazy one and the spitter it's always a show with us.) Anyway, so my point is that aside from a brief moment of "how crazy we are going to look," it didn't phase me.

     We pulled up to their house and the two boys were waiting at the glass door for us. I got out and with a smirk on my face unloaded the kids. Cooper, not missing a beat, got out of the car and strolled up the sidewalk in his sandals and underwear, milk cup in hand. The other boys backed up a little and watched him walk in..speechless. After we got in the house their oldest boy asked why Cooper didn't have any clothes on. I calmly explained what happened (pretty sad when your child throwing up isn't a big deal) and we put Cooper's clothes on so he could play.

     Now, anytime I'm tempted to feel less than confident or sure of myself I will just imagine Cooper, the picture of confidence strolling up the sidewalk in his briefs.

"Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised." Hebrews 10:35-36

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