Friday, August 3, 2012

Ariba! It's Salsa Time

    Contrary to what the title might imply, we have not been Salsa dancing lately..or ever. Unless you count the lessons I made Dalton take on the cruise ship during our honeymoon. What a great man I married. : )  No, I'm talking about a different kind of salsa...the edible kind.

     When I was at Mom and Dad's, I helped Dad make some homemade salsa. It was a little easier than I thought it would be, and since we had lots of tomatoes to use I decided to make some myself, with Dalton's help of course.

     So the other night I got out the food processor, a sharp knife, cutting board and onion goggles and started chopping. Dalton's main job was keeping the boys entertained and he did great. They love it when he plays guitar to them while they sit on our bed. : )

You thought I was joking about onion goggles didn't you?

     It was actually not as difficult as I thought it would be. We first blanched the tomatoes to make them easier to peel. Then we cored the tomatoes and processed them. Next I chopped onion, bell pepper and cilantro and jalepeno peppers and added them to the mix. Finally we added a few other seasonings and then tasted. It was pretty good but a little bland, so we added a few more peppers and more cilantro.

 Beautiful bowl of tastiness

    After it was all mixed and tasted, Dalton put it into jars and we boiled it until they sealed, 35 minutes.  Once we took the jars out to cool we waited for that great sound...the tops popping...that means you did it right. Now we have 7 jars of fresh homemade salsa!

"He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever." Psalm 111:5

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