Tuesday, August 28, 2012


      I can't believe that Ace is already 5 months old! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about him getting older and more fun. It just seems like yesterday that I was crying in the middle of the night because I wanted to sleep...oh wait I still do that. Anyway, it has gotten better and he's so cute and fun to interact with. It seems like I write about Cooper a lot, mostly because he's doing a lot of fun cute stuff lately, so I wanted to dedicate a post to my youngest.

     Ace Garrett is learning a lot lately. He's always been a bright eyed alert little boy, but he's really starting to interact with everything around him and not just take it all in. He's learning to sit up, can maneuver around on his belly, roll over and over and occasionally get on all fours. We're predicting crawling by 6 months but we could be wrong. We won't be upset when that time comes. This stage of not wanting to be held but not being able to do much is a little frustrating for all involved.

     He is such a smiley baby and never meets a person that he doesn't like. It seems like he's going to be a person that wants to make others feel good no matter who they are. He just loves to smile and laugh and anyone who'll take the time to talk to him...and he smiles with his eyes. Sweet baby. I've had several people tell me that Ace is a special little baby, one being my grandma. Not that Cooper isn't sweet, but Ace just seems to have a different little personality that endears people to him. Love that we can see this already.

     He loves being on the floor, playing and rolling around. Now that he can roll around he can entertain himself more. He also likes the johnny jump up because it allows him to sit up and play and move around. He's outgrown the bouncer and carseat (as a holding place) because he twists around trying to get out and I don't trust those bouncer straps. Ace has also entered the 'put everything in my mouth' stage and loves toys he can chew on. His favorites are a turtle he got from Auntie M and an octopus from GG.

     When it comes to hanging out, Ace prefers to be outside. He loves looking at the trees and animals and is constantly reaching out trying to pet the cats. We haven't taken him riding yet, but I'm sure the time is coming soon when we'll strap him into the backpack carrier and take off. Cooper was 5 or 6 months when we did that.

     He's quite verbal... much more so than Cooper was at this age. He coos and laughs and talks to us. but the most memorable sounds he makes are his squeals and shrieks. When he gets really happy he squeals and shrieks really loud. And when he's not happy he does the same thing. Basically he knows how to get our attention. It's cute the first couple of times but then gets a little loud. Especially when Cooper is sleeping. If he starts the squealing in his room I have to rush to the other side of the house or outside until he stops. I guess he has a lot to say. He's also a pincher/grabber. He'll hug tight and pinch you with his little fingers...so aggressive. Or he'll try to chew on any part of your face he can get his mouth to.

     We think Ace looks like Dalton or Mere Mere, more fine features instead of round like Cooper. He's getting cuter and cuter the more he fills out, and he's finally getting some hair. Looks like he's going to have a big cowlick in the back, but it's better than his brother's two swirls.

     Overall we have two wonderful special little guys and I'm so glad God blessed us with brothers. My next post will be about 'the brothers.' Who knows, maybe we'll get to have more brothers....we'll see what God's plan is.

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works;  my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14

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