Monday, September 24, 2012

Nana's Weekend


     A couple of weekends ago we celebrated Nana's (Dalton's grandmother) birthday. It was a full weekend of celebrating with family, including 3 of her siblings from out of state. I feel bad when I look back at my blog because I don't put as many pictures of Dalton's family as my own. This is mostly because we seem them regularly so I never think to start taking a bunch of pictures because it's not a big  visit. I'm going to try and get better about that.
What a great picture of three great smiles!

    Anyway, so this celebration was a perfect time to take some pictures. I only took them Sunday at the birthday lunch but we got together Friday and Saturday too. Friday night we had BBQ at Aunt Ellen's house. Cooper really likes going to the Morris house because there is a neat treehouse and zipline. He rode it, along with his cousins, until it was time to come in. After dinner it was smore time by the fire pit. Cooper didn't quite get the concept of roasting the marshmallow. He would either hold it too high above the fire or drop it on the coals. With Dalton's help he was able to successfully roast one, and we all enjoyed a bite.

 Auntie M (or AA as Cooper is now calling her) with Ace

Cooper didn't let this little firetruck get out of his sight.
 If Graham was riding it Cooper was close behind. 

     Saturday we dropped the kids off at the Walker's house and went to the Country Club to have a really nice dinner with all of the grownups. After dinner everyone shared some "Nanaisms". It was neat to hear stories from the past and present. Nana is a wonderful person, and may be the most positive person I've ever met...something I'm trying to imitate. She always has a smile and a cookie waiting at her house for Cooper. I'm very grateful to have married into such a loving and close family.

    When I picked the boys up I was a little nervous. This was the first time I'd left them both for 3 hours with non-family. The Walkers have two boys too, so I knew Cooper would have fun. When I arrived Cooper was in his PJs watching Diego, and Ace was smiling from one of the parent's arms. They said it went well...though Ace went through all of his clothes and they'd had to change clothes too. The good news was that their boys spit up a lot when they were babies too so they were ok.

 A rare moment when Cooper was alone on the trampoline. 

 Ace and Emily

Cooper and Uncle Bud

    Sunday, after church, we headed to Mere Mere and Popsey's for lunch, cake and birthday presents. It was super fun, especially for Cooper, who loves playing with all of his cousins. It was a busy weekend, but very fun and a great celebration of a great Grandmother and Great-grandmother.

Nana had lots of help blowing out the candles.

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13

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