Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our Newest Addition

     Our little family is growing...in the four-legged variety. It's calving season here in Caddo and sadly, they lost a mama cow in the process of having her first calf. So, there is an orphan calf here that needs taking care of. Dalton is usually in charge of this and this time he decided to just bring the calf up to the house instead of having to go to the barn to feed it 2 or 3 times a day.

    We were pretty excited to have a little calf here. Cooper was a little afraid at first but now likes him. And I love baby anything so it's fun for me too.

     Dalton was calling him Fifty, since that is his tag number, but Cooper and I renamed him Wilbur yesterday. I think it's going to stick. Cooper can say it, so that's a plus.

    Cooper was afraid of calves at first...he was ok until they made noise, but now that he has Wilbur he's liking the little guy. He pets him and puts his arm around him and likes for Wilbur to chase him around. Unfortunately Wilbur has a tendency to run up on your heels, so hopefully there won't be a crash between the two.

 "Come on Wilbur!" 

Daddy Dalton 

    Wilbur eats a couple of bottles a day, and he takes them best from Dalton. I've tried but Wilbur doesn't like me as much.

The cats like having Wilbur around too. They get the leftovers.

    Dalton decided that Wilbur will be a good practice dummy for Cooper to learn roping. Poor Wilbur...he puts up with Cooper throwing the rope at him or putting it around his neck. Dalton even got Wilbur to follow Cooper so he could rope his back feet. Don't worry though, he never let the rope get tight enough to be uncomfortable.

    Each morning Dalton goes out and feeds Wilbur. Then at lunch we usually bring him up to the yard and feed him. Then he hangs out in the yard (in hopes that he will try some grass) until the evening. We're pretty special...not everyone has a calf hanging out in the bushes.

He followed me up the back steps for a bottle!

    It will be a sad day when we have to say goodbye to Wilbur and send him back to the pasture, but for now we're enjoying our pet, and Cooper's getting some up close and personal experience with a calf.

Cooper likes to shut and latch the gate by himself. 

"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

This cutie is ready for fall too!

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