Friday, September 7, 2012


     Having two little boys is such a great joy. There is something about brothers that is so sweet. I think it's especially sweet because they get along so well (at this point).

Drying off after swimming at GG and Papa's

     I'm so looking forward to the years to come, when they are playing together, learning together, and yes, even fighting together. It will be neat to see how alike and how different they are. There's a different dynamic between siblings that are the same gender and those that are mixed. Just as there the dynamic is different with all boys or all girls. I'm enjoying the all boy dynamics at the moment.

     Everyone keeps asking if we are going to have more kids. When we reply "Yes, God willing," they always say "You're going to try for a girl, right?" It irritates me a little because we are very content with our boys and would be very happy to have all boys. On the other hand, God is in control and He may very well give us a girl next. If that's the case, then I guess I'll post about brothers and sisters, not just brothers.

    Cooper and Ace are so cute together. We are finally to the point where I can leave Ace on the floor to play without a constant worry that Cooper will run over him. And Cooper is really enjoying interacting with his brother. He always says "My brother!" and puts his arm around Ace. He also is quick to tell me when he hears Ace making noise in his bed. He's very aware. The other day when we were finished reading books in Cooper's bed before nap I got up to leave and before I could grab Ace out of the bed Cooper asked if Ace could sleep with him. Loved that he wanted his brother by his side. I can't wait until the day when I can let them sleep in the same room. (I know there will be new challenges with that...I'm not that naive)

Ace was fussing in bed and before I could get there Coop had already done this.
 A little too much brotherly love!

     Ace likes his brother too. He constantly watches him and likes to grab onto him when he gets too close. It's like he's soaking in all of what Cooper is doing so he can remember it for later. I hope that he only remembers to do the good stuff.

It's all fun and games until somebody starts pinching

     Yesterday, while they were in the tub Cooper was making funny sounds and Ace started laughing. I encouraged Coop to keep making him laugh and enjoyed that sweet moment. (Ace's laugh is so great) Sometimes when Ace is unhappy and I'm busy I'll send Cooper over to talk to him and make him happy. If he succeeds he comes back and tells me "Ace is happy." He's very proud when he can do this.

   Ace already has a protective big brother too. Cooper watches close when others are holding Ace, making sure they treat him right. And if he happens to start crying in another's arms he's quick to go and see what's happening. One time, when I was trying to gather up all of my things at the Walkers' house after babysitting, Ace started fussing in his carseat. Aaron picked him up to rock him before I carried him out and Cooper immediately went over and said "No, no." He did not like another man holding his brother. Makes me proud.

Cooper ran up to Ace, sat down and said "Picture, Mama!" 
(He does this a lot)

    Now before you start thinking everything is all pie in the sky here, it's not. My next post...which I've already entitled 'Overwhelmed' is evidence of that. But all in all, even in the tough times, I'm still extremely blessed and still have more to rejoice over than to complain about!

Psalms 47:1 "Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!"

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