Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What We've Been Up To

    As the days go back and forth from fallish to hot, and we've been staying home more, I've been trying to come up with more fun things to do with the kids. Cooper is pretty good about playing by himself, but it's nice when I can offer more for him to do, especially when we do it together. I feel like I'm starting to get into a groove of coming up with activities, actually doing them, and enjoying the result. So, here's what we've been up to, in pictures:

 The 'Letter and Number Pit' I have all of the letters and numbers in this pool. 
Cooper goes 'diving' for whatever letter or number I call out. 
It's fun and educational!
Oh, and Ace likes it too.

 Puzzles in Cooper's room. Doing puzzles also helps learn about cleaning up one thing before starting another. (Stepping on puzzle pieces around the room may or may not have contributed to my making sure we clean up all puzzle pieces we aren't using)

Finger painting..looks fun but Cooper isn't that into it. 
He's rather do something where he can move around more. 
I'm not complaining..paint is messy!

"Did you call for the letter C for cute, Mama?" 

"Where's Cooper?" 
Aunt Rachel gave the boys this awesome TeePee and we love it!

Dalton is moving beyond gardening now. 
He's plowed up a portion of our horse pen to plant oats this winter
 and corn in the spring. 

Plowed dirt is so pretty, and feels good between your toes.

 Oobleck...took this idea from a website. It's cornstarch and water but makes a crazy feeling goop. Cooper played with it for a little while, but then wanted to get moving. 

 Ace played on the blanket...well tried to repeatedly get off of it...
while Cooper was gooping it up.

He kept trying to eat the cats' tails. 
Don't worry, he never got them in his least while I was looking.
Wonder where he gets his interest in the cats?

Oh, that explains it!

Ace was really crawling today. He got off the blanket and 
couldn't inchworm as well, so he had to crawl. 
Now I know he can do it if he wants to! 

I made an obstacle course for Cooper, using his letter pads
 (not sure what they are called).
"On your mark, get set, GO!"

Down the path, up the slide....

 Down the slide to another path...

After that path, he had to push the lawnmower ...

Then run to the stroller...

Push the stroller through some chairs....

And finish with a zig-zag path. Whew. He did this several times and then we moved on. We were going to show Daddy when he came home for lunch but the wind and Wilbur messed up our paths.

I've been pinning activities daily so hopefully we'll be doing some more fun stuff soon! Until then...

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

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