Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Snapshots of Fun


   Is it fall yet? It has been feeling really nice around here the last week and we've been trying to take advantage of it. I'm fighting the urge to get pumpkins and scarecrows out on display! Dalton says it's too early, but seeing that the high Friday is supposed to be in the 70s I may just have to go ahead and decorate for fall. 

     We've been staying home more these last couple of weeks too. I expected to be going crazy with boredom, especially since Dalton has been farming, which means he doesn't get home until late almost every night (last week it was 8:30 before he got home one night). Anyway, it's been such a blessing to be at home with the kids and there really hasn't been any real boredom. Staying home has forced me to come up with activities to do with Cooper and Ace, so that I don't give in to the temptation to leave the TV on all day (not just for Cooper, but for myself as well). 

     Cooper's gotten good at doing several puzzles that we have, we've read books in his cool Teepee (I'll post a pic of that later), played games and had lots of tickle time. I've also been on floor level playing with Ace and watching him do the Downward Dog yoga move over and over. He's on the verge of crawling but still has a little ways to go. He's so strong! 

Hanging out in the pack n play outside

     I've heard that saying that necessity is the mother of all invention, and I think that is true. In my case, necessity is the mother of all productivity! I wanted to make homemade bread yesterday, which I did. Woo hoo. While I was doing that I needed something for Cooper to do. I keep seeing stuff about sensory tubs and decided that I should probably do something like that for Cooper. So I opened a big bag of rice, poured it into a large baking pan, put it on a mat on the floor with Cooper's dump truck and a couple of measuring cups and let him at it. He loves it and has already played this morning. Of course there are pieces of rice all over the floor ("Keep it in the pan" hasn't quite clicked yet), but it's a small price to pay for an occupied child. 

The rice needs to stay where?

     I'm also trying to up my educational activities too, so we've started a letter and number of the day. I show him the letter, we talk about the sound and think of several words that start with that letter. Then I write the words and draw pictures...if Cooper somehow thinks a cat is a monkey or something it's because of my not-so-awesome drawings. Cooper enjoys the learning and erasing the pictures I draw. 

     Last weekend Cooper rode the horse by himself for the first time. When I say rode the horse, I mean he followed us while we walked only a few feet in front of him. He did really well. He knows how to turn (though he's not powerful enough sometimes) and most importantly he can pull back and say "Whoa!" when he wants to stop. I got to go for a ride that day too and it was so nice! I miss riding and hope to do more of it. 

 Turn him to the right.

 Try not to pull back while you turn

Come to me..kick (like the horse could feel those little feet)

Again, I must avoid white! It makes me look pasty and chubby (chubbier)

     This week we're hosting playdate again. So fun! I've got several activities/centers planned so hopefully they all have a good time. I didn't realize how much I've missed teaching things to kids and this is allowing me to do that with my own kids...even better. I'll try to post about the playdate (if the other moms don't mind). 
     Funny to share with you...Dalton and I were talking about kids the other day and how I want to have a couple more and then adopt. Dalton gave me this weird look and said, "But I just read your blog. I thought you felt overwhelmed?" I laughed and told him that I'll always be a little overwhelmed but that's a good thing. It means that I'm at the end of my abilities so God can take over and guide. Also, it means that I'm not being lazy and only taking on what's comfortable. He said "Hmmm" and moved on. I think he was disappointed. 

"Happy Trails Pard'ner"

"How can I repay the Lord for all His acts of kindness to me? I will celebrate my deliverance and call on the name of the Lord." Psalm 116:12-13

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