Monday, September 10, 2012


     I've been meaning to write an update on the sleeping situations at my house, but haven't gotten around to it. Now I know why. I had to wait for a milestone to be met before I wrote.

      Last night....Ace slept all night long 8-5!! Yeah! It was amazing. Of course I didn't sleep all night. I woke up and had to fight the urge several times to go in a check on him, just in case he'd gotten into trouble. I resisted though, choosing to say a prayer of safety instead (more for my peace of mind than his safety..he's pretty safe in his crib). And I must confess there was one time that he woke up and started to fuss. I turned the monitor off to let him cry for a few minutes and the next thing I knew it was two hours later and the monitor was still off. Thankfully when I turned it back on there wasn't a peep. Of course then I thought that he could've somehow maneuvered around and gotten stuck in the side of the crib....but then I prayed that he was safe, trusted in that and went back to sleep. I knew if I went it to check there was a chance he'd wake up. I'm seriously going to get a video imagination is way too active! This falling back asleep with the monitor off thing has happened 3 times in the last week. I feel so bad when it happens, but because he's always quiet when I turn it back on, I feel ok. It's just too hard to stay awake for 5 minutes in the middle of the night!

     Don't worry, I don't expect a repeat performance tonight. I know it will take a little while for consistent sleeping all through the night, but I'm celebrating this victory! It also makes me think though. As soon as he's doing this I'll have no excuse to stay in bed a little later (like 7/8). It'll be time to get up when Dalton does and cook breakfast and do my Bible study. With restful nights comes more responsibility.

     In other sleeping news, Cooper has made some big improvements too. No, he's still not sleeping through the night. But, he now goes to bed by himself at nap and night! Before this we would lay down with him until he fell asleep and then leave. I know, this breaks all sorts of parenting rules, but so does a lot of what I do, I'm sure. At first I did it out of necessity. I was pregnant, we were both tired, and rather than sit on the floor until he went to sleep (what the books say to do) or leave and risk throw up, I climbed into bed and we napped together. I usually left a little while into his nap. Then it became habit and after Ace arrived created a little problem. For the most part though it worked out. Ace would sleep just long enough for me to stay with Cooper, or Ace would come in with Cooper and I. I let myself feel guilty about this for a little while (what will people think?), but then I thought about all the cuddles, kisses, and sweet sleep breathing (precious sound) that the parents who do it the 'right way' miss out on and started to just enjoy it. There's something so sweet about laying in bed with your kiddo, with his arm around you and his little breath on your cheek....makes my heart swell with love.

     Finally the day came when Ace wasn't cooperating and I had to leave Cooper in his room. Surprisingly he did ok. I checked on him a couple of times, let him have one book and one toy in his bed and told him he must not get out of bed or he'd get a spanking. After a few cries and protests he went to sleep. And he's been doing it ever since. That same day Dalton asked when we could start doing it at night....I told him we weren't going to rush it. I didn't want to do anything that would mess up the positive napping experience. I needed that time more than he needs that time in the evening. So Dalton continued sleeping with Cooper for a little while each night until about a week later. Then we started the same process at night and viola...he's a big boy!

     He still wakes up in the night and comes to our room. He usually brings Horsey with him. He climbs on in and sleeps in the middle. I know, I know, breaking more parenting rules. But oh it's sweet! And really in a few years I'll be wishing he'd come snuggle with us, so why turn him down now. The only problem we have is the milk fight each early morning. We've cut him off of milk during the night, but once he gets into our bed he wants milk. We usually are able to hold him off until 5 or so, when it means the difference between him sleeping a little longer or getting up at 6 (not appealing)! Sometimes, if he comes to our bed earlier in the night and gets out of control over milk we have to take him outside and let him calm down. Or occasionally we give in...I'm not going to lie.

     Dalton has told me that we should take him back to his bed when he comes to our room. I responded that any time he wants to do that he's more than welcome to. But I'd rather him sleep with us than spend that time in his room at 2 in the morning. Dalton hasn't volunteered to tackle that yet, so for now it's a snuggle fest in our bed. : )

    The next task before me is to get Ace to go to sleep on his own. He's very resistant when he knows it's nap time. As soon as I turn the lights off and start to offer the paci he stiffens up and starts to squirm. The only real method that works is to cha cha cha with him until he drifts a little. Then I lay him down. I foresee some crying in the coming week because we both know it's time for him to go down by himself. And it's getting to be more difficult to rock  him to sleep than to let him cry. I'll be praying about this!

What I've learned from all of these sleeping challenges:

1. Nothing is that big of a deal
2. There's no perfect method, so don't try to compare to others
3. Time works everything out
4. Nothing is more precious than a sleeping baby or toddler
5. God gives me the energy to make it through the day with 8 hrs or 2 hrs; His grace is enough

"The Lord replied 'My Presence will go with you and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14

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